

script conversion systems

odni-ara-Arab-Latn-2004 (Arab to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Arabic Personal Names (2004)
odni-ara-Arab-Latn-2015 (Arab to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Arabic Personal Names (2015)
odni-aze-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Azeri Personal Names (2015)
odni-bel-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Belarusian Personal Names (2015)
odni-bul-Cyrl-Latn-2005 (Cyrl to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Bulgarian Personal Names (2005)
odni-bul-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Bulgarian Personal Names (2015)
odni-che-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Chechen Cyrillic Personal Names (2015)
odni-fas-Arab-Latn-2004 (Arab to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Farsi (Persian) Personal Names (2004)
odni-fas-Arab-Latn-2015 (Arab to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Persian Farsi Dari Personal Names (2015)
odni-hin-Deva-Latn-2004 (Deva to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Hindi and Urdu Personal Names (2004)
odni-hin-Deva-Latn-2015 (Deva to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Hindi Urdu Personal Names (2015)
odni-kat-Geor-Latn-2015 (Geor to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Georgian Personal Names (2015)
odni-kaz-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Kazakh Personal Names (2015)
odni-kir-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Kyrgyz Personal Names (2015)
odni-kor-Hang-Latn-2015 (Hang to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Korean Personal Names (2015)
odni-mkd-Cyrl-Latn-2005 (Cyrl to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Macedonian Personal Names (2005)
odni-mkd-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Macedonian Personal Names (2015)
odni-prs-Arab-Latn-2004 (Arab to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Dari Personal Names (2004)
odni-prs-Arab-Latn-2015 (Arab to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Persian Farsi Dari Personal Names (2015)
odni-pus-Arab-Latn-2011 (Arab to Latn)
Pashto Standardized Transliteration System for Personal Names (2011)
odni-rus-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Russian Personal Names (2015)
odni-srp-Cyrl-Latn-2005 (Cyrl to Latn)
Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for the Transliteration of Serbian Personal Names (2004)
odni-srp-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Serbian Personal Names (2015)
odni-tat-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Tatar Personal Names (2015)
odni-tgk-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Tajik Personal Names (2015)
odni-tuk-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Turkmen Personal Names (2015)
odni-uig-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Uyghur Personal Names (2015)
odni-ukr-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Ukrainian Personal Names (2015)
odni-urd-Arab-Latn-2015 (Arab to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Hindi and Urdu Personal Names (2015)
odni-uzb-Cyrl-Latn-2015 (Cyrl to Latn)
ICS-630-01 Romanization of Uzbek Personal Names (2015)