

script conversion systems

un-amh-Ethi-Latn-2016 (Ethi to Latn)
Romanization of Amharic -- UNGEGN (2016)
un-ara-Arab-Latn-1971 (Arab to Latn)
Romanization of Arabic -- Beirut system (1971)
un-ara-Arab-Latn-1972 (Arab to Latn)
Romanization of Arabic -- UNGEGN (1972)
un-ara-Arab-Latn-2017 (Arab to Latn)
Romanization of Arabic -- Unified Arabic Transliteration System (2017)
un-asm-Beng-Latn-1972 (Beng to Latn)
Romanization of Assamese -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-bel-Cyrl-Latn-2007 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Belarusian geographic names (2007)
un-ben-Beng-Latn-2016 (Beng to Latn)
Romanization of Bengali -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-bul-Cyrl-Latn-1977 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Bulgarian geographical names (1977)
un-ell-Grek-Latn-1987-phonetic (Grek to Latn)
Romanization of Greek 1.0 (Phonetic transcription)
un-ell-Grek-Latn-1987-tl (Grek to Latn)
Romanization of Greek -- UNGEGN 4.0 (transliteration)
un-ell-Grek-Latn-1987-ts (Grek to Latn)
Romanization of Greek -- UNGEGN 4.0 (transcription)
un-guj-Gujr-Latn-1972 (Gujr to Latn)
Romanization of Gujarati -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-hin-Deva-Latn-2016 (Deva to Latn)
Romanization of Hindi -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-kan-Kana-Latn-2016 (Kana to Latn)
Romanization of Kannada -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-mal-Mlym-Latn-1972 (Mlym to Latn)
Romanization of Malayalam -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-mar-Deva-Latn-2016 (Deva to Latn)
Romanization of Marathi -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-mkd-Cyrl-Latn-1977 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Macedonian geographical names (1977)
un-mon-Mong-Latn-general-2013 (Mong to Latn)
Romanization of Mongolian in China -- UNGEGN 4.0
un-mon-Mong-Latn-phonetic-2013 (Mong to Latn)
Romanization of Mongolian in China -- UNGEGN 4.0 (phonetic)
un-nep-Deva-Latn-1972 (Deva to Latn)
Romanization of Nepali (1972)
un-nep-Deva-Latn-2013 (Deva to Latn)
Romanization of Nepali (2013)
un-ori-Orya-Latn-1972 (Orya to Latn)
Romanization of Oriya (1972)
un-pan-Guru-Latn-1972 (Guru to Latn)
Romanization of Panjabi -- UNGEGN 4.0 (1972)
un-prs-Arab-Latn-1967 (Arab to Latn)
Romanization of Persian (1967)
un-rus-Cyrl-Latn-1987 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Russian (1987)
un-sin-Sinh-Latn-1972 (Sinh to Latn)
Romanization of Sinhalese -- UNGEGN 4.0 (1972)
un-srp-Cyrl-Latn-1997 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Serbo-Crotian (1972)
un-tam-Taml-Latn-1972 (Taml to Latn)
Romanization of Tamil -- UNGEGN 4.0 (1972)
un-tel-Telu-Latn-1972 (Telu to Latn)
Romanization of Telugu -- UNGEGN 4.0 (1972)
un-ukr-Cyrl-Latn-1998 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Belarusian, Russian And Ukrainian Cyrillic (1998)
un-ukr-Cyrl-Latn-2012 (Cyrl to Latn)
Romanization of Belarusian, Russian And Ukrainian Cyrillic (2012)
un-urd-Arab-Latn-1972 (Arab to Latn)
Romanization of Arabic (2017)