

script conversion systems

This is a documentation intended for Interscript maintainers. It covers all possible tasks one may need to execute.


The following is a set of steps one needs to make to do a release:


# We assume this is executed in the main Interscript repository root directory (interscript-bootstrap).
# Adjust the V to reflect a correct version
# Adjust the B to reflect a correct branch name. master, or eg. v2.4
# Commit command
COMMIT="git commit"
# Ensure we are on the latest repository version
pushd ruby; git checkout $B; git pull; git reset; popd
# This is the point when you may want to run tests and ensure everything is correct.
# Run the version update script
ruby/bin/set_version $V ruby
# Add the new version to the submodules, commit it and tag it
pushd ruby; git add lib/interscript/version.rb; $COMMIT -m "Release v$V"; git tag "v$V"; popd
# Push Ruby
pushd ruby; git push; git push --tags; popd
# Our new version is released!


# We assume this is executed in the main Interscript repository root directory (interscript-bootstrap).
# Adjust the V to reflect a correct version
# Adjust the B to reflect a correct branch name. master, or eg. v2.4
# how to do stable branches.
# Commit command
COMMIT="git commit"
# Ensure we are on the latest repository version
pushd js; git checkout $B; git pull; git reset; popd
# This is the point when you may want to run tests and ensure everything is correct.
# Run the version update script
ruby/bin/set_version $V js
# Add the new version to the submodules, commit it and tag it
pushd js; git add package.json; $COMMIT -m "Release v$V"; git tag "v$V"; popd
# Push JS
pushd js; git push; git push --tags; popd
# Our new version is released!


# We assume this is executed in the main Interscript repository root directory (interscript-bootstrap).
# Adjust the V to reflect a correct version
# Adjust the B to reflect a correct branch name. master, or eg. v2.4
# Commit command
COMMIT="git commit"
# Ensure we are on the latest repository version
pushd maps; git checkout $B; git pull; git reset; popd
# This is the point when you may want to run tests and ensure everything is correct.
# Run the version update script
ruby/bin/set_version $V maps
# Add the new version to the submodules, commit it and tag it
pushd maps; git add interscript-maps.gemspec; $COMMIT -m "Release v$V"; git tag "v$V"; popd
# Push maps
pushd maps; git push; git push --tags; popd
# Our new version is released!

Releasing minor versions

This part is in general hard and tricky. interscript depends on interscript-maps >~ IV.0a, where IV is a major.minor version of interscript, eg. 2.4. It is recommended to first release v2.4.0a1 of all packages, possibly maps first, and when you confirm it to be working, release a version you wish to release.

There is no issue for the patch releases, those are all independent.

Stable branches

We now support branches to support different versions of Interscript together. Those branches are named like: v2.4. If a branch doesn’t exist, we defer to master. Therefore, the latest version branch should not exist.

To check out all components for a given stable branch, inside your checkout of interscript-bootstrap, execute eg.:

/bootstrap.rb -v2.4

To get master, execute just: